barry bonds, busy sports day and aselin debison

barry bonds hit 703 this afternoon. not too far from "babe" ruth's 714. this all part of a busy sports sunday. lots of football and baseball. this time next week is the end of the baseball regular season. mmmmmm i can smell post season.

got to meet aselin debison. who's that? first time i heard of her, she had a special on cbc. she can sing pretty well. i ended up getting her cd afterwards, about the summer of '03. apparantly, i didn't know she was to be at the mall for today until yesterday when i was flipping through the edmonton sun. went to watch on my half an hour break thinking she would sing for an hour or so, so i left the cd at home. she sang for 20 minutes. at least i got her autograph - with a pic of her and her tour sked. better than nothing


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