red green, the simpsons and a bit of charlie brown

finished watching the last of the red green show tuesday night.  finished of season 15 in the "geezer years" installment.  15 seasons and 300 episodes that show went.  not too bad considering i got the delinquient years (seasons 7-9), the mid life crisis years (seasons 10-12), and the geezer years (13-15) mover the span of four months.

after finishing red green, i started watching season 14 of the simpsons.  i picked that up on tuesday - the same day it came out here.  happy with it so far.

yesterday i watched the charlie brown christmas i have on dvd.  tonight i watch "its chrismastime again charlie brown."  its on the same disk as the charlie brown christmas.  hmmmm if i can get survivor thailand and survivor amazon i would be happy


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