springy weather and end of march
cant believe tomorrow is april already. final four continues saturday and ends monday. where has march gone. baseball preseason started, as well as march madness started. then there was the confused weather. march started out like a lamb and it looks like its out like a lamb as well. it started out nice, then winter paid a visit, then spring returned. and its supposed to go to 11c. it was 9c today. the snow is almost gone. yay.
cant believe tomorrow is april already. final four continues saturday and ends monday. where has march gone. baseball preseason started, as well as march madness started. then there was the confused weather. march started out like a lamb and it looks like its out like a lamb as well. it started out nice, then winter paid a visit, then spring returned. and its supposed to go to 11c. it was 9c today. the snow is almost gone. yay.