what a nasty storm yesterday. the rain came down like you wouldn't believe. up to 125mm in the wastend. west edmonton mall had to evacuate after a pipe burst because of all the rain and hail. the ice palace (our ice rink) had to be our makeshift dam so all the people there could move the water into it. with all the hail that came down, snow plows had to move it to the side. rain rain go away. three major storms in a week, the ground is saturated, underpasses got swamped, and tornadoes near andrew and in grande prarie. all this rain is making me feel waterlogged.
Hockey day in Canada
It's the 25th edition, this time, Canmore Alberta is the feature host. Boston at Ottawa is on now. At 6pm Prince Albert time has Toronto at Montreal and Calgary at Winnipeg, and at 9pm Prince Albert time has Edmonton at Vancouver. Gonna be fun as usual. Update 1: Ottawa 6 Boston 5 (so) Update 2: Calgary 3 Winnipeg 1, Toronto 7 Montreal 3. Update 3: Vancouver 3 Edmonton 2. That's it for another hockey day in Canada