ive almost beaten my cold. the last two or three days were rough. ive had to stop to blow my nose every few minutes at work. at least until i had neo citrin last night before bed. today i got rid of most of it. couple more cups of neo citrin may help (and a little prayer). taking the bus home today was a "cough free" trip home. thursday and friday coming home, all i did was cough. i would cough for a bit then silence, then cough some more. that kind of trip. last night i felt pretty wiped to the point, that i had to phone ray (darren knows him) to cancel our get together to watch trooper at reds. lousy cold. im okay now.hopefully better tomorrow. and thats that
Hockey day in Canada
It's the 25th edition, this time, Canmore Alberta is the feature host. Boston at Ottawa is on now. At 6pm Prince Albert time has Toronto at Montreal and Calgary at Winnipeg, and at 9pm Prince Albert time has Edmonton at Vancouver. Gonna be fun as usual. Update 1: Ottawa 6 Boston 5 (so) Update 2: Calgary 3 Winnipeg 1, Toronto 7 Montreal 3. Update 3: Vancouver 3 Edmonton 2. That's it for another hockey day in Canada